
Four Point Capital Advisors leverages a proven process to originate or invest in loans and other debt-like instruments, providing capital to counter-parties across a variety of industries through secured, asset-based financing transactions.

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Tax Lien Lending

Texas tax lien loans are state-regulated and receive first-lien position above a mortgage when done correctly. With a proven network of broker-driven originations, we provide loan servicing, post-closing deal management, and efficient leverage to maximize investor returns.


Receivables Finance is a broad market full of almost anything financeable. We conduct vigorous underwriting of each potential market inside this universe to identify attractive risk-reward opportunities. Typically these markets are underwritten from an algorithmic “law of large numbers” accumulation strategy. There is an inherent default rate that can be measured, understood, and underwritten. With the ability to identify value in the capital stack of the lender finance businesses that are on the ground making these small balance loans, we embed sticky capital  strategies to then maximize returns.

Private Credit Opportunities

We are continually assessing the market for asset-backed lending opportunities that provide strong collateral protection, low risk of loss, and above-market returns. To the extent that they match with our asset-backed lending core thesis, we evaluate these opportunities for investment.

Equipment Finance

Due to its size and highly fragmented nature, we see continued abilities to invest in equipment finance agreements and leases. We focus on non-core collateral types that are not served by traditional banking institutions. In addition, we look for broker-driven or other bespoke asset origination methods. At its core, we look for mispriced credit risk that has high longevity.